'use strict'
const ASSET_URL = 'https://hunshcn.github.io/gh-proxy/'
const PREFIX = '/'
const Config = { jsdelivr: 0 } const whiteList = []
const PREFLIGHT_INIT = { status: 204, headers: new Headers({ 'access-control-allow-origin': '*', 'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,TRACE,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS', 'access-control-max-age': '1728000', }), }
const exp1 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:releases|archive)\/.*$/i const exp2 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:blob|raw)\/.*$/i const exp3 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:info|git-).*$/i const exp4 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?raw\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/.+?\/.+$/i const exp5 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?gist\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/.+$/i const exp6 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/tags.*$/i
function makeRes(body, status = 200, headers = {}) { headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*' return new Response(body, {status, headers}) }
function newUrl(urlStr) { try { return new URL(urlStr) } catch (err) { return null } }
addEventListener('fetch', e => { const ret = fetchHandler(e) .catch(err => makeRes('cfworker error:\n' + err.stack, 502)) e.respondWith(ret) })
function checkUrl(u) { for (let i of [exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6]) { if (u.search(i) === 0) { return true } } return false }
async function fetchHandler(e) { const req = e.request const urlStr = req.url const urlObj = new URL(urlStr) let path = urlObj.searchParams.get('q') if (path) { return Response.redirect('https://' + urlObj.host + PREFIX + path, 301) } path = urlObj.href.substr(urlObj.origin.length + PREFIX.length).replace(/^https?:\/+/, 'https://') if (path.search(exp1) === 0 || path.search(exp5) === 0 || path.search(exp6) === 0 || path.search(exp3) === 0 || path.search(exp4) === 0) { return httpHandler(req, path) } else if (path.search(exp2) === 0) { if (Config.jsdelivr) { const newUrl = path.replace('/blob/', '@').replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com/, 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh') return Response.redirect(newUrl, 302) } else { path = path.replace('/blob/', '/raw/') return httpHandler(req, path) } } else if (path.search(exp4) === 0) { const newUrl = path.replace(/(?<=com\/.+?\/.+?)\/(.+?\/)/, '@$1').replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?raw\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com/, 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh') return Response.redirect(newUrl, 302) } else { return fetch(ASSET_URL + path) } }
function httpHandler(req, pathname) { const reqHdrRaw = req.headers if (req.method === 'OPTIONS' && reqHdrRaw.has('access-control-request-headers') ) { return new Response(null, PREFLIGHT_INIT) } const reqHdrNew = new Headers(reqHdrRaw) let urlStr = pathname let flag = !Boolean(whiteList.length) for (let i of whiteList) { if (urlStr.includes(i)) { flag = true break } } if (!flag) { return new Response("blocked", {status: 403}) } if (urlStr.search(/^https?:\/\//) !== 0) { urlStr = 'https://' + urlStr } const urlObj = newUrl(urlStr) const reqInit = { method: req.method, headers: reqHdrNew, redirect: 'manual', body: req.body } return proxy(urlObj, reqInit) }
async function proxy(urlObj, reqInit) { const res = await fetch(urlObj.href, reqInit) const resHdrOld = res.headers const resHdrNew = new Headers(resHdrOld) const status = res.status if (resHdrNew.has('location')) { let _location = resHdrNew.get('location') if (checkUrl(_location)) resHdrNew.set('location', PREFIX + _location) else { reqInit.redirect = 'follow' return proxy(newUrl(_location), reqInit) } } resHdrNew.set('access-control-expose-headers', '*') resHdrNew.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*') resHdrNew.delete('content-security-policy') resHdrNew.delete('content-security-policy-report-only') resHdrNew.delete('clear-site-data') return new Response(res.body, { status, headers: resHdrNew, }) }